73 members found: wheat

We Don’t Do Sustainability Because It’s Cool, But Because It’s Best for Business

American farmers and producers are focused on sustainability and taking care of the land for future generations, writes Ekonom deputy editor Martin Petricek.

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No-Till Helps Boosts Yield for Oklahoma Multi-Crop Farmer

Meet Clint Wilcox of Fairview, Oklahoma, who grows a variety of crops including wheat, canola, sorghum and soybeans and raises cattle with his wife, Jessica.

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Wendy Yeager: Soybean Farmer, Front-line Conservationist, Innovator

Fourth-generation Alabama farmer Wendy Yeager grows multiple crops on her 445-hectare family farm near Orrville, from soybeans to cotton. She describes herself as a front-line conservationist for whom sustainability is a way of life.

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Making a Living from the Land Means Treating It Right, Says Tribal Farm Manager Kevin Hudson

Kevin Hudson, a Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture spotlight honoree, is a Tribal Farm Manager for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) in Pendleton, Oregon. […]

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Grayhouse Farms Recognized for Excellence in Conservation and Cow Care

Grayhouse Farms is the winner of an Outstanding Dairy Farm Sustainability award, honored by Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy for its exemplary commitment to conservation and continuous improvement.

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The Impact of Farm Policy and The War in Ukraine on America’s Food Supply

By Peter Bachmann, Vice President, Policy & Government Affairs, USA Rice.

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Meet the Soil Health Advocate Who Hosted President Biden on His Farm

A certified Sustainability Specialist, Jeff uses a variety of conservation practices to boost his already-fertile land, the result of a glacial outwash event.

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Ten of the Best: America’s Environmentally Sustainable Farmers and Producers

This Earth Day, The U.S. Sustainability Alliance highlights some of the many American farmers and producers championing environmental sustainability.

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Conservation Practices Increase on U.S. Cultivated Cropland, Finds USDA Report

This latest CEAP report shows that farmers have done an outstanding job over the years in using innovative conservation strategies that help mitigate climate change.

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Cotton Farmer Barry Evans on his Pioneering Approach to Dryland Farming

Farming in the Texas Panhandle, the heart of America’s historic Dust Bowl, Barry has experienced the dangers of blowing topsoil first hand. We spoke to him about how he manages soil and water conservation in the resource-limited High Plains.

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73 results found: wheat

We Don’t Do Sustainability Because It’s Cool, But Because It’s Best for Business

American farmers and producers are focused on sustainability and taking care of the land for future generations, writes Ekonom deputy editor Martin Petricek.

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No-Till Helps Boosts Yield for Oklahoma Multi-Crop Farmer

Meet Clint Wilcox of Fairview, Oklahoma, who grows a variety of crops including wheat, canola, sorghum and soybeans and raises cattle with his wife, Jessica.

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Wendy Yeager: Soybean Farmer, Front-line Conservationist, Innovator

Fourth-generation Alabama farmer Wendy Yeager grows multiple crops on her 445-hectare family farm near Orrville, from soybeans to cotton. She describes herself as a front-line conservationist for whom sustainability is a way of life.

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Making a Living from the Land Means Treating It Right, Says Tribal Farm Manager Kevin Hudson

Kevin Hudson, a Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture spotlight honoree, is a Tribal Farm Manager for the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) in Pendleton, Oregon. […]

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Grayhouse Farms Recognized for Excellence in Conservation and Cow Care

Grayhouse Farms is the winner of an Outstanding Dairy Farm Sustainability award, honored by Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy for its exemplary commitment to conservation and continuous improvement.

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The Impact of Farm Policy and The War in Ukraine on America’s Food Supply

By Peter Bachmann, Vice President, Policy & Government Affairs, USA Rice.

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Meet the Soil Health Advocate Who Hosted President Biden on His Farm

A certified Sustainability Specialist, Jeff uses a variety of conservation practices to boost his already-fertile land, the result of a glacial outwash event.

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Ten of the Best: America’s Environmentally Sustainable Farmers and Producers

This Earth Day, The U.S. Sustainability Alliance highlights some of the many American farmers and producers championing environmental sustainability.

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Conservation Practices Increase on U.S. Cultivated Cropland, Finds USDA Report

This latest CEAP report shows that farmers have done an outstanding job over the years in using innovative conservation strategies that help mitigate climate change.

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Cotton Farmer Barry Evans on his Pioneering Approach to Dryland Farming

Farming in the Texas Panhandle, the heart of America’s historic Dust Bowl, Barry has experienced the dangers of blowing topsoil first hand. We spoke to him about how he manages soil and water conservation in the resource-limited High Plains.

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Insights and Opinion

Can the Feed Industry Provide the Solutions Agriculture Needs?

In a landmark move, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Bovaer® - a feed ingredient that reduces enteric methane emissions from dairy cows - for use in the United States. What are the implications?

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Meet Dairy Farmers the Beck Brothers – Sustainability Champions and TV Stars!

To mark National Dairy Month, we visit a New York dairy farm to look at some of the advances that have led to these improvements. Meet the Beck Brothers, the stars of a new TV documentary!

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Sharing Stories to Counter Misinformation about Biotechnology

Jennie Schmidt, a third-generation farmer and registered dietitian, strongly believes in the power of storytelling. In her experience, personal narratives can help consumers better understand how our food is grown, especially when fewer people have first-hand knowledge of the agriculture industry than ever before.

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Meet Larry Santos, Organic Farmer of the Year

Larry Santos of Taylor Farming in Salinas, California, has been named 2024’s Organic Farmer of the Year, recognized by the Organic Trade Association (OTA) for his outstanding contribution to organic […]

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Latest Reports

The State of the World’s Forests 2024: Forest sector innovations towards a more sustainable future

This publication examines the innovation required to protect forests’ benefits for the climate, biodiversity, and communities. It focuses on barriers, enablers, actions, and real-world examples.

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Climate-Induced Yield Changes and TFP: How Much R&D is Necessary to Maintain the Food Supply?

A look into the future of agricultural supply and demand in the context of climate change and a growing population, focusing on corn, rice, soybeans, and wheat.

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USDA Climate Adaptation Plan, 2024 – 2027

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s latest climate adaptation plan assesses current and future climate risks to USDA employees, facilities, services, and, more broadly, to federal lands, waters, and cultural resources. The plan also outlines how the Department is integrating climate adaptation and resilience into every aspect of its operations.

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National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste and Recycling Organics

The National Strategy for Reducing Food Loss and Waste and Recycling Organics is the first interagency strategy to lay out a plan for the United States to meet its national goal of halving food loss and waste and achieving a 50% recycling rate by 2030.

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Latest News Articles

Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery Achieves Sustainability Certification in World First

The U.S. Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery, which includes white, brown, and pink shrimp from all five Gulf of Mexico states and federal waters, has become the first shrimp fishery to achieve Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification.

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Alaska: More than a Feast for the Eyes

Before May this year, Laurent Journo, a marketing specialist at the U.S. embassy in Paris, knew little about Alaska despite it being an important trading partner for France. He saw the state as a distant, wild, mountainous land with dense forests and rich fauna. After visiting, what has he learned and how have his perceptions changed?

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Will We Soon Be Eating Seaweed Instead of Fish?

Willem Paul de Mooij, editor of VMT – a Dutch publication for the food sector – recently interviewed two entrepreneurial farmers who are exploring the potential of kelp as an alternative income stream. They claim it’s nutritious, sustainable, versatile, and ripe for export. Learn more about the opportunities for kelp.

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USSA Newsletter: June 2024

This month, we bring you an update on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s adaptation plan to mitigate the growing risks of climate change. We also feature an innovation challenge to find breakthrough solutions to agriculture’s most pressing challenges. And we report on global research that has identified a way to save nearly half of the 1.3 billion tons of food wasted annually.

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Policies and Regulations


Whilst the USSA members work to exceed regulatory requirement, U.S. laws and regulations provide a robust framework, developed over many years, to ensure and promote the sustainability of its crop, livestock, seafood and forestry sectors. The policies look to immediate impacts on the environment and beyond to cover topics from employment to biodiversity to endangered species. The following pages provide context and an introduction to key federal legislation.



Focused on conservation and environmental stewardship, the USDA, working with The Natural Resources Conservation Service on technical assessment and the Farm Service Agency for enforcements, uses grant management to deliver best practice. A particular focus is on erodible lands and wetlands, with ‘sodbuster’ and ‘swampbuster’ rules, requires presentation of conservation strategies prior to conversion of lands to agricultural use. One result, that soil loss has been halved since 1982.



The U.S. recognizes that sustainability has many facets and action is required in explicit areas. This has resulted in the enactment of a wide range of laws from the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act to the Endangered Species Act, to research and regulatory action on Insecticides and Fungicides and Rodenticide Act; and, with the Lacey Act a focus on illegal trafficking of plants, fish and animals.


Latest Podcasts


In the latest episode of This is U.S. Sustainability, we hear from two multi-generational farmers – an eleventh-generation grains farmer from Maryland and the owner of a centennial cattle farm in Louisiana – about how they have moved with the times while staying true to their roots. We cover rotational grazing, no-till cultivation, water conservation, biotech seeds, and more. And we discuss why going back to the natural cycle is sometimes the best approach.


Tune in to the latest episode of This is U.S. Sustainability to hear how Paul Catanzaro and Professor Tony D’Amato work together to reach family forest owners and ensure they have the information and resources to make the right decisions about their land. And learn about the vital role Tim Stout, a Vermont landowner, plays in amplifying their message.


Tune in for the lowdown on the innovative, often surprising ways the almond industry and the wider food sector are reducing waste. Jet fuel, beer, water filters and peat moss to grow mushrooms – these are just some of the many applications in use and under development.

Recent Videos

American Lobster Harvesting & Sustainability

Hear directly from noted seafood chef and author Barton Seaver about the sustainability of the American lobster industry.

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L&HCA Documentary Series Establishes Leather as a Sustainable Material

The new Rewind documentary series from Real Leather Stay Different. aims to provide some balance in the debate about the use of our land, fast fashion and our future.

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USMEF Sustainability Video

This video highlights the emphasis on sustainability by the U.S. beef industry. Watch this story of beef farmers’ and ranchers’ multi-generational commitment to the environment with buyers and consumers around the world.

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