Farming News

Public-Private collaboration aims for sustainable crops of the future

Helping farmers grow healthy, abundant crops in a sustainable manner is the goal of a collaborative effort between the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) and a group of […]

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EU Agreement Reached on Organic Farming

European negotiators reached agreement on organic farming rules — after three years of trying. The most contentious issues had been whether to set pesticide residue thresholds and establish limits on […]

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Sustainable Farming is a Love of the Land

“Growing up, I loved the smell of fresh [soil],” says Ohio soybean farmer, Nathan Brown. “Now, I cringe when I think about working the ground and turning the soil, with all the compaction and erosion issues that can come from it.” 

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UK Minister of Environment Says He Will Maintain Environmental Standards

Responding to concerns that Brexit could weaken environmental protections now set at the EU level, the U.K.’s Minister for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Michael Gove, implied that he was […]

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Biotechnology Crops Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Crop biotechnology has reduced agriculture’s environmental impact and stimulated economic growth in the countries where the technology is used says a new report released today by PG Economics titled GM […]

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World Milk Day

Raise a glass of milk in celebration of World Milk Day and sustainability on June 1, 2017. This is the day established by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization […]

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Organic Food Sales in the U.S. Reach New Heights

Sales of organic food in the U.S. rose by more than $3 billion in 2016 to $47 billion. The Organic Trade Association (OTA) reported at its annual meeting this week […]

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‘Udder’ Bliss: Life as a Dairy Cow is Quite Cushy

Last week, the Wall Street Journal published an article about the increase in dairy cow care in the United States over the past two decades. Though there has not been a formal study demonstrating a direct causal relationship, many farmers believe a happy cow produces more milk.

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U.S. Rice Exports to UK at Ten Year High

The UK experienced a 207 percent increase in U.S. rice imports during the first quarter of 2017 (over 10,000 MT valued at $5.4 million).  This was been driven by a […]

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U.S. Wheat Farmers Make Sustainable Farming Choices

Wheat farmers across the United States are implementing sustainable farming practices in accordance with what makes sense for their land and their crops. From coast to coast, the best part […]

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Sustainable food needs the best power of the best scientists

The path to a sustainable food future “will require unleashing the best power of our best scientists,” said former United States President Barack Obama. Speaking at the Global Food Innovation […]

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COTTON USA Farmer Focus

As the fourth generation on the family farm in Arkansas, Nathan explains in this video that to him farming is not simply a job, but is a deep and spiritual connection with the land, his heritage and looking to future generations.

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