Farming News

Feeding the World: The Challenge of Our Lifetime

How will we feed a human population that will triple in our lifetime without depleting the world’s natural resources? The 2019 Borlaug CAST Communication Award* winner Dr. Frank Mitloehner, a […]

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Food Companies Need to Use Vanishing Water Resources More Efficiently, Says Ceres

Food companies need to adopt far stronger practices to reduce their demands and impacts on limited water resources, according to a new report from Ceres, a sustainability non-profit organization. Climate […]

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Global Future Farming Summit: Herd Insights are Moving from the Screen to the Barn

The power of farming data cannot be underestimated. It provides farmers with essential insights to help them manage their land and their animals more effectively – whether indicating which crops […]

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“Great Food Transformation” Needed to Feed the World

Sustainable and efficient use of land and water through the application of technology can increase crop yields without the need to expand agricultural land, says a new report for the […]

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USDA, FDA and EPA Partner with the Food Waste Alliance

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have set up a new partnership with the Food Waste […]

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The Next Chapter in Agriculture’s Sustainability Story

by Zippy Duvall, President of the American Farm Bureau Federation Farmers are about the long game. Responsible agriculture takes time, from tending crops and caring for livestock to growing trees […]

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Farmers and Consumers Ready for New Plant-Breeding Technologies, Finds FT Group Research

Research by Longitude, a Financial Times Company, commissioned by Corteva Agriscience, reveals that consumers and farmers see sustainability as a priority and agree that new plant-breeding technologies can help protect […]

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FAO Report Offers Way Forward on Food Loss and Waste Reduction

A report from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) offers new insights on how much food is lost – as well as where and why this happens – at […]

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Agriculture has Unique Opportunity to Tackle Sustainability

When it comes to sustainability, agriculture has “the opportunity to bring solutions to the table like nobody else because of working directly with the earth.” That is according to Brandy […]

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Field to Market Report: Seeking Common Ground on Climate Change Action

Field to Market, the Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, has released the findings from its latest Cross-Sector Dialogue: Seeking Common Ground on Climate Action. More than 70 experts from across the […]

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Save the Date, 19 November: How Can Science Save Us?

How can innovation help us feed a growing population sustainably? This is one of the topics on the agenda at the inaugural Food Matters Summit, taking place 19-20 November 2019 […]

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Less Talk, More Action Needed to Achieve the SDGs by 2030

The food industry needs to do more to tackle food loss and waste throughout the farm-to-fork cycle, says The UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) Director-General Qu Dongyu. Speaking at […]

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