Farming News

Reducing Soil Tillage Helps to Increase Yields, Enhance Soil Health

Reducing Soil Tillage Helps to Increase Yields, Enhance Soil Health, Boost Water Retention and Reduce Erosion Farmers who use conservation tillage can increase their crop yields while also nurturing healthier […]

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Introducing the Leather and Hide Council of America

Earlier this year, the U.S. Hide, Skin and Leather Association (USHSLA) joined forces with the Leather Industries of America (LIA) to become the Leather and Hide Council of America (LHCA). […]

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Something to Chew on – Feeding the World in 2050

The November issue of British publication Innovations in Food Technology features an opinion piece by David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability Alliance. He highlights the urgent need for […]

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Role of Science in Sustainable Agriculture

Sustainable development, innovation and the role of science in food production were the themes of a seminar hosted by the U.S. Sustainability Alliance (USSA) in Warsaw on December 6. The […]

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Rick Clark, Field to Market’s Farmer of the Year, Shares His Approach to Regenerative Farming

Indiana corn and soybean farmer Rick Clark is Field to Market’s Farmer of the Year 2019, recognized for “outstanding conservation efforts on his farm and leadership in advancing sustainable agriculture”. […]

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Penn Students ‘Hack’ Fruit to Save Billions of Dollars in Food Waste

Two Pennsylvania University students have developed a technology that can predict when apples and other fresh fruit in storage are ripening and ready for the grocery store. Their aim is […]

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Retailers Can Boost Sustainability by Collaborating More Closely with Producers

Food retailers can make their supply chain more sustainable if they work more closely with producers. This was the message to delegates at the December 10 Agricultural Outlook Conference in […]

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U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol Names Inaugural Board of Directors

The inaugural Board of Directors has been named for the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol (Trust Protocol). This new standard has been developed to help the U.S. cotton production sector further […]

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Consumer Companies to Miss 2020 Net Zero Deforestation Targets

The world’s leading consumer goods companies will miss the 2020 target for zero net deforestation in key commodity sectors (soy, cattle, palm oil, paper and pulp/timber), set by the Board […]

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Forget Veganism. Meat is Crucial for Feeding the Planet!

Climate activists and some scientists claim that giving up meat is the best thing we could do for the planet. However, some experts have warned that going vegan is not […]

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Food Matters Summit: When it Comes to Acceptance of Technology, Context is King

The acceptance of new farming and food production technologies is largely driven by the context in which they are introduced, according to David Green, Executive Director of the U.S. Sustainability […]

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Field to Market Farmer of the Year Believes in Healthy Soil

Dedication to healthy soil has had a powerful impact on the sustainability of Indiana farmer Rick Clark’s farm. His inspiring efforts led to him being named Farmer of the Year […]

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