
Innovation Challenge Aims to Spark Transformative Agricultural Research

The global search is on for breakthrough research projects in food and agriculture! USDA and the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR) are offering up to $2 million to multiple teams and projects to pursue high-risk, high-reward research.

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Nanomedicine Can Transform Agriculture, Researchers Say

Researchers at the University of California Riverside (UCR) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) argue that applying lessons from nanomedicine and digital twin technologies can make crop agriculture more resilient and able to feed a growing world population. 

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Improved Refrigeration Could Cut Global Food Waste Emissions by 41%

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), approximately one-third of the food produced globally each year goes to waste.

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USSA Newsletter: May 2024

In our May edition, we’re excited to share highlights from USSA’s recent press trip to Alaska, a collaboration with the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI).

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USSA-ASMI Collaboration: UK and EU Media Witness Alaska’s Sustainability Commitment Firsthand

Earlier this month, the U.S. Sustainability Alliance (USSA) hosted a select group of UK and European media in Alaska. Partnering with the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI), a USSA member, […]

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Sharing Stories to Counter Misinformation about Biotechnology

Jennie Schmidt, a third-generation farmer and registered dietitian, strongly believes in the power of storytelling. In her experience, personal narratives can help consumers better understand how our food is grown, especially when fewer people have first-hand knowledge of the agriculture industry than ever before.

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New Funding, Programs, and Partnerships Boost Organic Production

During Organic Week (14-16 May), Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced a series of initiatives to create and expand organic markets in the United States. These new programs, partnerships, grant […]

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Meet Larry Santos, Organic Farmer of the Year

Larry Santos of Taylor Farming in Salinas, California, has been named 2024’s Organic Farmer of the Year, recognized by the Organic Trade Association (OTA) for his outstanding contribution to organic […]

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Ground-breaking Precision Ag Research Center Takes Shape

Photo by Craig Chandler, UNL University Communication and Marketing Construction of a new $160-million facility at Nebraska Innovation Campus got underway on May 6 with a groundbreaking ceremony. The state-of-the-art […]

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Revealed: The Organizations Training Tomorrow’s Conservation Leaders

Twenty-eight U.S. organizations across 25 states, including non-profits, universities, and state departments of agriculture, have been selected to train America’s next generation of conservation leaders. The organizations will provide technical […]

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Overfishing in the U.S. Hits All-time Low

The U.S. continued to make progress in sustainable fisheries management in 2023. According to NOAA Fisheries’ annual Status of Stocks report to Congress, which assesses the 506 stocks and stock complexes […]

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USSA Newsletter: April 2024

Our April edition celebrates a significant milestone for USDA’s Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program as the first commercially produced products hit U.S. grocery shelves.

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