Fisheries News

Third Year in a Row of Record Heat

Two key climate change indicators – global temperatures and Arctic sea ice extent – have broken records the first half of 2016, according to NASA analyses.  Each of the first […]

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Global Sustainability Summit: August 10 -12 2016 in New Orleans

The Global Sustainability Summit will be held August 10 -12 2016 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The conference — organized by the Food Marketing Institute (FMI) and the Grocery Manufacturers Association […]

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European Parliament Votes to Halt Overfishing in the Baltic Sea

With the goal to ensure that fishing activities in the Baltic are conducted in a sustainable and economically viable way that will not place unnecessary strain on the environment, the […]

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Smithsonian Reports on “Brawny American Lobster”

The American lobster is making its way into European waters and using its abnormally large crushing claws to muscle its cousins from across the pond out of the way.

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Sustainable and Responsible Lobster Fishing: The Highest Priority

A long history of responsible fishing and science-based, conservation management practices backed by state and federal laws have produced a sustainable and profitable resource.

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U.S. Sustainability Alliance Featured at SIAL Canada 2016

The USSA was the featured booth at SIAL Canada when U.S. Ambassador Bruce Hayman cut the ribbon to officially open the USA Pavilion on Wednesday April 13 in Montreal.

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U.S. Sustainability Alliance joins SIAL Canada with the U.S. as the Country of Honor

The food show will bring together 850 exhibitors and 15,000 visitors from more than 60 other countries, with distinction to the USA Pavilion and its new and innovative products.

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Alaskan Salmon Fishing: A Grannum Family Operation

Rob Grannum and his siblings grew up fishing sockeye red salmon at their family’s fish camp near Kenai, Alaska.

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OECD-FAO Guidance for Responsible Agricultural Supply Chains

It covers agricultural upstream and downstream sectors from input supply to production, post-harvest handling, processing, transportation, marketing, distribution and retailing.

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U.S. to Join Global Effort to Combat Illegal Fishing and Promote Sustainable Fisheries

The Agreement comes into force when 25 countries or regional economic blocs have deposited their instrument of adherence with the FAO Director-General.

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EU Debate: More Sustainable Food Systems

This reflects ongoing concerns among EU citizens about the multiple environmental, economic and social impacts of food production and consumption, and related public health and nutrition challenges.

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EU Report Calls for Ambitious Action and Flexibility to Protect Marine Sustainability

The report looks at aspects for sustainable development in changing oceans and seas, and highlights the key scientific challenges in addressing those issues.

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