Farming News

USSA Farmer Spotlight: Christine Gemperle, The Almond Board of California

Christine Gemperle is a second-generation almond farmer and a hobbyist beekeeper. She and her brother Erich farm 16 hectares (40 acres) of almonds near Turlock in Stanislaus County, California and […]

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Wine Improves with Sustainability

“I can’t think of a single example where sustainable practices don’t improve wine quality.” So said viticulturist Steve Matthiasson, speaking at a recent joint Harpers-California Wine Institute seminar on sustainable […]

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American Farmers Maintain 100 Years of Federal Conservation Efforts

American farmers are critical to the goals of conservationists. A recent USDA census of agriculture found that approximately 40% “of all U.S. land is farmland.” Everything farmers do directly impacts […]

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U.S. Rice: Focus on the Farmer

U.S. rice farmers know that sustainability is central to delivering the best rice to homes around the country and the world. Here are a few ways rice farmers think about […]

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EDF Guide Points the Way to More Sustainable U.S. Poultry

A new guide by not-for-profit NGO Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) aims to help U.S. poultry companies improve their sustainability. The industry has made significant progress, reducing its climate change impacts […]

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U.S. Firms are Cream of the Crop in World Economic Forum Tech Pioneers 2019

U.S. food and agricultural innovators were among those honored by The World Economic Forum in its Technology Pioneers of the Year, which showcases technology start-ups from around the world that […]

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USDA Report: Technical Innovations Benefit Agriculture and the Economy

An insect repellent made from coconut oil and a solar-powered system for recycling contaminated water into fertilizer are just two of hundreds of innovations featured in the latest U.S. Department […]

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USSA Member Spotlight: Jennifer James, USA Rice Federation

USA Rice farmer, Jennifer James, spoke to Farmers Guardian, a leading UK farming publication, about her life and what it is really like growing rice, corn and soybeans in Arkansas. […]

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The Rice Foundation Charts Three Decades of U.S. Rice Sustainability

A new report from The Rice Foundation charts U.S. rice’s longstanding commitment to sustainability over the past 36 years. The U.S. Rice Industry Sustainability Report outlines how the rice industry […]

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Advanced Technology and Farming Practices Help U.S. Farmers Do More with Less, Finds USDA Report

U.S. agriculture is increasingly more sustainable by doing more with less. That is one of the findings of a USDA Economic Research Service report on how natural resources (land and […]

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A Sustainable Future with AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers tremendous potential for the economy and for the planet, finds a new study by PwC, commissioned by Microsoft. According to How AI Can Enable a Sustainable […]

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Innovative Consortium Tackles Food Loss and Waste

A global consortium will bring together experts from industry, academia and not-for-profit to address the growing issue of food loss and waste which, according to the FAO, costs around $940 […]

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