Thanks to partnerships and research supported by their checkoff investments, U.S. soy farmers continue to innovate and operate more sustainably on and off the farm. The 2023 U.S. Soy Sustainability Overview, Partners for a Better Tomorrow, released by the United Soybean Board (USB) showcases their progress and their latest efforts to:
- Mitigate the effects of climate change and boost productivity on the farm
- Enhance food security and nutrition for people and animals
- Develop new uses for renewable U.S. soy products
“U.S. soy farmers are proud of the important and growing role they play in maximizing sustainability not only in farming but throughout industries and around the globe,” said Iowa farmer April Hemmes, who serves as chair of the Demand Action Team at USB. “We work with partners every day to discover new ways to use U.S. soy to sustainably solve some of society’s biggest challenges. At the same time, these efforts support the U.S. economy by opening important new markets for the soy industry.”
Building Sustainable Food Security
Modern practices and advanced technologies enable U.S. soy farmers to conserve natural resources, while partners such as Farmers for Soil Health and The Nature Conservancy help expand the use of sustainable farming practices that improve soil health and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. U.S. farmers also support Soy Excellence Centers and the WISHH aquaculture internship program, which provide training and capacity-building for protein producers in developing countries to help them improve productivity and sustainability.
Renewable Alternatives for Fossil Fuels and Other Products
U.S. soy farmers’ checkoff investments are the driving force behind a growing range of renewable soy-based products, such as biodiesel, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 86% compared to petroleum diesel. U.S. Soy also provides a renewable and safer alternative to fossil fuels and chemicals in the manufacturing of everyday products, including carpets, plywood, paints, and even synthetic lawns.
Research Innovations
Research is behind many of the innovations and products featured in the report, which U.S. soy farmers fund through USB, the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC), the American Soybean Association (ASA), and state checkoff organizations. Highlights include a 3-year project that USB and multiple partners are working on to reduce the impact of drought on soybean plants, which could improve yields by up to 15%. Partners are also developing new soy-based products and applications like mulch, groundwater remediation, and cat litter.