The productivity, soil health and carbon sequestration benefits of Whole Orchard Recycling are well-reported. But much less is known about how this sustainable practice began and the extensive research behind it. Until now that is, thanks to a new mini documentary from the Almond Board of California.

RESILIENCE: The Whole Orchard Recycling Origin Story shows how the vision and determination of one individual – plant pathology graduate Brent Holtz – led to a new and sustainable solution to ag burning.
When Holtz’s family farm found itself surrounded by houses as a result of urbanization, it knew it needed to find an alternative to its usual approach of burning the brush. And so, the idea of recycling trees and even a whole orchard into the soil was born.
A small scientific trial in Holtz’s own orchard gave way to a full-blown commercial trial over 13 years, with inspiring results.
“We saw increased soil organic matter, we saw increased water holding capacity, we saw less water stress,” said Holtz.
“And ultimately – what growers want to know the most – we saw increased yields with Whole Orchard Recycling versus burning.”