U.S. Wheat Associates, a USSA member, has launched Stories of Stewardship – a video series in which U.S. wheat farmers share their long-standing commitment to sustainability. The first episode showcases the conservation practices of five farming families from different parts of the United States. These families aim to produce safe, wholesome food for the world while sustaining their livelihoods and protecting the land for future generations.
Tom Cannon of Goodson Ranch near Blackwell, Oklahoma, recalls when tilling was the norm.
However, he recognized that it was unintentionally degrading the soil and knew there had to be a more sustainable way to farm.
Caretakers of the land
Tom and the other wheat farmers featured in episode one of the new series, share a desire to safeguard their land and legacy.
“It would be a lot easier to farm for today or tomorrow,” concedes Aaron Kjelland of Kjelland Farms, Park River, North Dakota.
“But this land is not something I will have forever. I am just a caretaker of it for the next generation,” he adds.
Better soil, better business
Today, practices such as no-till cultivation are bringing a range of benefits, including storing more carbon in the soil and boosting organic matter, which significantly improves the soil’s water-holding capacity. Cattle are also an essential part of the system and contribute to enhancing soil health.
And when the soil is healthier, it requires fewer inputs such as fertilizer or crop protection, which is better for the environment and the bottom line.
“Our business performs better financially when our soil resource is treated well,” says Nick Jorgensen, Jorgensen Land & Cattle, Ideal, South Dakota.
Watch episode one and discover more about the steps U.S. wheat farmers are taking to raise a consistent, high-quality crop – today, tomorrow, and in the future. And stay tuned for future episodes, which are scheduled to go live on the 7th and 21st of February and the 6th and 20th of March.