Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture has launched Fieldprint Platform 4.0 to provide the most up to date sustainability assessment tool for commodity crop production in the United States.
The platform’s new features provide farmers and the value chain with improved science to quantify the impact of in-field management to improve water quality and sequester soil carbon, as well as an enhanced user experience.
The new platform is grounded in science and focused on outcomes. The cornerstone of the software is its Continuous Improvement Accelerator, which measures the environmental impacts of commodity crop production against eight sustainability metrics.
Farmers can also assess environmental performance of management practices through the Fieldprint Platform’s online calculator, integrating the Platform’s pre-competitive metrics and algorithms. They can also opt-in to participate in member-led Continuous Improvement Projects, anonymously sharing their data, to evaluate performance against their peers.
New features in Fieldprint Platform 4.0 include:
- Enhanced water quality analysis, enabling farmers to identify the potential for applied nitrogen and phosphorus to be lost through run-off or leaching
- A quantitative solid carbon tool which includes the ability to quickly and easily estimate the potential for soil carbon change in response to a recent or planned management change
- Enhanced support, providing an improved user experience for both farmers and administrators of Continuous Improvement Projects