
Issues, Trends, Tools & Surprises – 2024

February 2024. Recent and upcoming trends and issues that affect the global food system, from extreme weather events to artificial intelligence and next-gen genetics.

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The 2023 U.S. Soy Sustainability Overview: Partners for a Better Tomorrow

February 2024. A look at the check-off funded partnerships helping U.S. soy farmers advance sustainability on the farm, across the food chain, and in other industries.

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2023 Annual Report: Defining California’s Rice Footprint

January 2024. An overview of the California rice industry’s work in 2023 in areas ranging from water quality and wildlife conservation to trade and policy.

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The State of Gender Equity in U.S. Agriculture

January 2024. A synthesis of research into gender equality in U.S. agriculture, from the barriers facing women farmers to proposed solutions to overcome them.

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The 2023 Almond Almanac

December 2023. A comprehensive overview of California’s almond industry, including market data, sustainability, and research initiatives.

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America’s Farms and Ranches at a Glance: 2023 Edition

December 2023. The latest statistics on America’s farms and ranches, from production to financial performance, based on an annual survey.

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The Materials Market Report 2023

December 2023. The Textile Exchange’s tenth annual report on trends and sustainability efforts in global fiber production.

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U.S. Agricultural Policy Review, 2022

November 2023. A review of developments in U.S. agricultural policy in 2022.

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The Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5)

November 2023. A science-based report on the risks, impacts and responses to climate change in the United States.

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From Field to Bin: The Environmental Impacts of U.S. Food Waste Management Pathways

October 2023. An environmental evaluation of eleven food waste management methods.

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Direct Evidence for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Removal Via Enhanced Weathering in Cropland Soil

October 2023. The role of enhanced rock weathering in capturing and storing carbon dioxide, including in dry climates.

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A General Assessment of the Role of Agriculture and Forestry in U.S. Carbon Markets

October 2023. A comprehensive look at current market activity, barriers to participation and opportunities to improve access to carbon markets for farmers and forest landowners.

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