Farming News

NGOs, Sustainability and the Rise of Ethical Consumerism

by Robert Blood, SIGWATCH June 2016 It is impossible to talk about sustainability without involving campaigning organizations or NGOs. Thanks to sustained levels of campaigning, especially by groups in the […]

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Sustainability Success: Profile of an Iowan Soybean Farmer

If you walk through the fields on Laura Foell’s soybean farm in Iowa in the spring, you might notice seedlings poking up through the stubble from last year’s crop.

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Technological Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture

The European Parliament at its meeting in Strasbourg on June 6 will review a resolution aimed at finding technological solutions for sustainable agriculture. The report states that technological innovation is […]

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U.S. Organic Sales Post Record Levels in 2015

The U.S. organic industry posted record sales in 2015 with total organic product sales hitting $43.3 billion, up 11% from the previous year’s record level and outstripping the overall food market’s growth rate of 3%.

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New Gene-detecting Technology Brings New Resilient Super Wheat Closer

Scientists in the United Kingdom have pioneered a new gene-detecting technology which could bring higher yields and ‘vastly’ reduce the need for agro-chemical applications.

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Future of EU Farming Lies in Innovation

Precision farming, and recent technologies, including the satellite ones, will lead to more sustainable production, more efficient use of water and other resources and higher farmers’ income.

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U.S. Sustainability Alliance Featured at SIAL Canada 2016

The USSA was the featured booth at SIAL Canada when U.S. Ambassador Bruce Hayman cut the ribbon to officially open the USA Pavilion on Wednesday April 13 in Montreal.

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U.S. Sustainability Alliance joins SIAL Canada with the U.S. as the Country of Honor

The food show will bring together 850 exhibitors and 15,000 visitors from more than 60 other countries, with distinction to the USA Pavilion and its new and innovative products.

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Opportunities Abound for U.S. Food Exporters

U.S. food and beverages will be featured at Canada’s largest food exhibition, SIAL Canada, which opens its doors next week in Montreal to more than 15,000 visitors from 60 countries.

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Record Growth of U.S. Organic Food Producers

There are now 21,781 certified organic food operations in the United States - a 300% increase since 2002.

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Innovation in Agriculture Could Help Solve Global Food Crisis

The long-term challenges of sustainable agriculture in the EU should be met jointly to ensure support for technological innovation, a regulatory framework that is risk-based, underpinned by scientific evidence, continuity of basic and applied research and the development of agri-related skills.

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Brussels Conference Continues Amid Chaos to Discuss Global Agriculture’s Sustainability Problem

The global agriculture model needs to be reformed to find a better balance between food production and environmental management, an international conference has heard.

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