Farming News

For Millennials, farmers are the “new heroes” in sustainable food production

In a study of the attitude of Millennials to how their food is produced, Eve Turow Paul, describes farmers “as the new heroes” for Millennials who want to know more […]

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Sustainability Is Here to Stay

By Eve Turow Paul, Author and Consultant “Sustainability” is not just the latest buzzword — it’s a new cultural value. While debates about climate change fill political airwaves, there’s a young generation […]

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Soil Conservation: A Dry Bean Farmer’s Sustainable Practice

For 130 years the Anderson family has farmed in the Bonanza Valley near Belgrade, a small town in central Minnesota with a population of fewer than 800 people. Jim Anderson […]

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Organic imports into the EU will need electronic certification

A new system of electronic certification to monitor imports of organic products into the European Union comes into force on April 19. The EU believes this will increase traceability and […]

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EU Sustainable Farm Practices Not Reflected in Farmer Returns

Safeguarding biodiversity and sustainable management practices are not reflected in prices paid to farmers, says a European Commission report. The report from the Commission’s Agriculture Directorate General is an overview […]

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European Young Farmers: Building a Sustainable Agriculture

European young farmers association, CEJA, has launched a sustainability survey to understand how the EU’s young farmers see their future and how best to implement a more sustainable agriculture sector. […]

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Sustainable Crops Need Ongoing Plant Breeding Innovation

Continued innovation in plant breeding is essential to provide greater quantities of nutritious, sustainable crops that will feed a growing world and benefit ecosystems. The Council for Agricultural Science and […]

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U.S. Soy Sustainability Assurance Protocol V2

The U.S. Soybean Sustainability Assurance Protocol is a promise by U.S. soybean farmers and the U.S. Soy industry to produce its soy sustainably through a certified aggregated approach audited by third parties that assures certified soybean production on a national scale.

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Millions Invested to Protect American Wetlands

Up to $15 million will be invested in conservation programs to protect, restore and enhance American wetlands on agricultural lands. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will provide the funding […]

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Sustainable Tires from Eggshells and Tomato Peels

America’s egg and tomato farmers could soon help produce sustainable rubber tires for motor vehicles, according to researchers at Ohio State University who have discovered that food waste can partially […]

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Field to Market and SAI Platform Agree on Sustainability Equivalency

Food and beverage sectors will have an opportunity to streamline their sustainability data collection assessment efforts through a collaboration between Washington-based Field to Market and Brussels’ Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) […]

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Conservation Programs by U.S. Farmers Help Preserve Viability of Farmland

Voluntary conservation programs [in the United States] work largely because of the commitment of farmers, ranchers, and foresters to implementing conservation practices on their operations. These were among the opening comments of […]

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