Farming News

USDA Invests $1 Billion in Climate-Smart Commodities

The new Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities initiative will provide targeted funding to “expand market opportunities for climate-smart commodities to increase the competitive advantage of American producers”.

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1,000 Farms Study Will Gather Evidence of Regenerative Agriculture Benefits

Researchers will study farms with varying levels of adoption of regenerative principles, which include planting cover crops, growing a more diverse mix of crops, grazing livestock on harvested fields and reducing pesticide use.

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Origins of Whole Orchard Recycling Explored in Almond Board Mini-Doc

RESILIENCE: The Whole Orchard Recycling Origin Story shows how the vision and determination of one individual – plant pathology graduate Brent Holtz – led to a new and sustainable solution to ag burning.

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American Peanut Council to Document Sustainability Story of U.S. Peanuts

They will launch of a nationwide framework to gather grower data and document the U.S. peanut industry’s sustainability story.

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USDA Aims to Double Cover Crop Usage to Tackle Climate Change

Soil health practices, especially cover crops, are the focus of new climate-smart initiatives from The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS).

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U.S. Farmer Spotlight: Rice Farmer Scott Matthews on Why Irrigation is Like a Giant Math Equation

USSA spoke to him about water conservation and some of the innovative irrigation practices he implements on his farm.

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Sustainable Agriculture Can Save Land and Water Resources from Breaking Point

By 2050, food production is projected to increase by about 70 percent globally and nearly 100 percent in developing countries.

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Will Big Ag be the Next Target for Activist Divestment Campaigners?

In this exclusive article, SIGWATCH Head of Research Charlotte Moore explains more about this emerging trend, what it means for the agriculture sector and how it can mitigate the risk.

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Transition to Sustainable Agriculture Requires Further Collective Action

The latest National Indicators Report from Field to Market summarizes progress towards sustainable agriculture in the US across 8 environmental indicators and 11 commodity crops.

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CAST Study Clarifies Benefits of GMOs for Consumers, Producers and the Environment

GMOs are not only safe for consumers, they also use less land, energy, and chemicals than non-GMO crops.

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Rice Industry Leaders Recognized for Outstanding Conservation Practices

USA Rice honored two industry leaders for their exemplary efforts to preserve habitat, use natural resources efficiently and address the three pillars of sustainability.

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USMEF Sustainability Video

This video highlights the emphasis on sustainability by the U.S. beef industry. Watch this story of beef farmers’ and ranchers’ multi-generational commitment to the environment with buyers and consumers around the world.

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