How does the sustainability of U.S. food systems compare with the EU? What is being done to make beef production more climate-smart? How can academics help advance sustainability knowledge? Those are just some of the questions USSA and other agrifood industry experts addressed during the first-ever live recording of Food to Go – the popular food and beverage sector podcast from New Food magazine. Panelists including USSA policy advisor Jennifer Wilson, seafood specialist Colleen Coyne from Food Export-USA Northeast and Dr. Jessie Morrill, assistant professor in animal science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, took the stage to dispel common myths about U.S. agriculture and share valuable insights.
The panelists discussed several important and often misunderstood topics related to U.S. agriculture, including:
- The fundamental differences between U.S. and EU approaches to sustainability and the rationale behind them
- The significance of community and science in seafood conservation in the United States
- How climate change is affecting the U.S. seafood industry and how it is adapting
- The truth about grass-fed and grain-fed beef and why they aren’t mutually exclusive
- Current research into how different cattle feed ingredients affect the environment
Be part of the conversation: listen now by clicking here or search for Food to Go on your favorite podcast app.
The Food to Go podcast was hosted by New Food editor and deputy editor Josh Minchin and Grace Galler and recorded live at the Food Integrity Global event in London (November 2023).