sustainable fisheries Articles

Gulf of Mexico Shrimp Fishery Achieves Sustainability Certification in World First

The U.S. Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery, which includes white, brown, and pink shrimp from all five Gulf of Mexico states and federal waters, has become the first shrimp fishery to achieve Responsible Fisheries Management (RFM) Certification.

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Alaska: More than a Feast for the Eyes

Before May this year, Laurent Journo, a marketing specialist at the U.S. embassy in Paris, knew little about Alaska despite it being an important trading partner for France. He saw the state as a distant, wild, mountainous land with dense forests and rich fauna. After visiting, what has he learned and how have his perceptions changed?

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Alaska Backs Wild, Sustainable Salmon Fishing

The American state, which has banned fish farming in its cold waters, claims responsible and sustainable salmon fishing.

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