Researchers at the University of California Riverside (UCR) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) argue that applying lessons from nanomedicine and digital twin technologies can make crop agriculture more resilient and able to feed a growing world population.  

In a study published in Nature, the researchers highlight the benefits of using nanocarriers to deliver precise amounts of fertilizers and pesticides to specific biological targets – addressing current inefficiencies.

Juan Pablo Giraldo, UCR associate professor and co-author of the study, explains, “Half of all the fertilizer applied on farms is lost in the environment and pollutes the groundwater. In the case of commonly used pesticides, it’s even worse. Only 5% reach their intended targets. The rest ends up contaminating the environment.”

However, nano-enabled precision delivery of active agents, such as micronutrients or plant protection products, can make plants more resilient to disease and harmful environmental factors, improving crop yield and efficiency. Researchers say this also means fewer off-target impacts on the environment. However, because nano-agriculture is still in its infancy, there are still many unknowns, which is where nanomedicine comes in.

“We found that the challenges of using nanocarriers to deliver nutrients in plants parallel those in nanomedicine, which has the advantage of being an established and well-studied field,” said Professor Greg Lowry, Carnegie Mellon University, co-author of the study. “While there are some key differences between plants and animals, many important parts of our research have been informed by nanomedicine, including identifying nanocarrier designs that can ensure active agents are effectively packaged, delivered, and released where they are needed.”

Another strategy discussed in the study is using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to create a “digital twin”. Medical researchers use computational models, or “digital patients”, to simulate how medicines interact with and move within the body. Similarly, plant researchers can employ these models to design nanocarrier molecules that deliver nutrients or other agrochemicals to plant organs where they are most needed.

“Nano-enabled precision delivery of active agents in plants will transform agriculture, but there are critical technical challenges that we must first overcome to realize the full range of its benefits,” added Professor Lowry.

“I’m optimistic about the future of plant nanobiotechnology approaches and the beneficial impacts it will have on our ability to sustainably produce food.”