The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is preparing an Exploratory Opinion on “More sustainable food systems” at the request of the Dutch European Union (EU) Presidency. This reflects the ongoing concerns among EU citizens about the multiple environmental, economic and social impacts of food production and consumption, and related public health and nutrition challenges.
The hearing will represent an opportunity to gather and examine experts’ and stakeholders’ views and initiatives for a transition to more sustainable food systems in Europe. The debate will take a holistic approach by considering the environmental, economic and social dimensions of sustainability as well as the importance of cross-sectoral co-operation across the food supply chain.
The event will take place on Friday 11 March 2016 (9.00-12.30) at the EESC offices at rue Van Maerlant 2, 1040 Brussels. The EESC is a consultative committee of the European Union which works to enable civil society organizations for the EU Member States express their views at European level.