A public consultation on the sustainability of bioenergy sources and final uses has been launched by DG Energy of the European Commission. The purpose of the consultation is to develop a new policy framework for climate and energy, including EU‑wide targets for the period between 2020 and 2030. The targets include reducing the Union’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 40 % relative to emissions in 2005 and ensuring that at least 27 % of the EU’s energy comes from renewable sources.
The consultation is of interest to several sources of bioenergy sectors, including food crops used for biofuels and forest products used as biomass. The consultation seeks views on the importance of a number of potential objectives for the sustainability policy, including cutting greenhouse gas emissions and minimizing impacts on biodiversity, water and air quality.
Other possible objectives include “promoting energy security” and “promoting free trade and competition in the EU among all end-users of the biomass resource”. Respondents are asked whether bioenergy, which already accounts for over 60% of renewable energy in Europe, should continue to dominate the renewable energy mix or whether other sources such as solar, wind and hydro should “increase significantly” or “become dominant”.
Toward the end of 2016, the European Commission is expected to submit policy proposals along with a proposal for a new post-2020 Renewable Energy Directive (RED).
The consultation closes on May 10, 2016.