Despite concerns that the pandemic will not change minds on climate change, research from sustainability consultancy Futerra suggests otherwise. Its Sustainable Lifestyle Survey found that 80% of UK consumers are willing to make lifestyle changes as major as those they have made during the coronavirus pandemic. Figures from Google support this trend towards sustainable living. In the three months to April 22, searches (in English) for the phrase how to live a sustainable lifestyle increased by 4,550%.
Wasting less and avoiding plastic are the top changes consumers are prepared to make, with only 3% not prepared to do anything.
Futerra founder Solitaire Townsend says, “Far too often green and sustainable living is framed as a ‘sacrifice’ or ‘duty’, even by brands. But it seems the public isn’t buying that.” Indeed, over half of consumers (51%) believe that making lifestyle changes to help climate change would improve their lives.
The Futerra Sustainable Lifestyle Survey was conducted by market researchers OnePulse in May 2020. It polled a representative sample of 1,000 people in the UK and USA respectively.