Farming News

EU Agri-Food Exports at Record High 

The annual value of EU agri-food exports in 2016 reached  €130.7 billion, a new record level representing an increase of €1.7 billion from 2015. The biggest increases in annual exports […]

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Ireland promotes world’s first national sustainability program

The Irish food board, Bord Bia, has published its 2016 national sustainability program report. It is the only sustainability program in the world which operates on a national scale, uniting […]

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Improving Sustainability Performance with Software Solutions

U.S. farmers will be able to better assess their environmental impact with new software tools that will include metrics to measure sustainability. Field to Market: The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, […]

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Number of EU Farms Drops by More than a Quarter

The number of farms in the European Union (EU) is falling rapidly. Between 2005 and 2013, the total number of farms in the EU fell by 26.2%, according to data […]

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USDA, Not Just an Institution, but a Source of Innovation

In his essay, “Food and Ag Science Will Shape Our Future,” outgoing United States Secretary of Agriculture (USDA), Thomas J. Vilsack highlights the hundreds of ways food and agriculture science […]

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Sustainability Measures Improve Water Quality and Protect Wildlife Habitat

A new conservation initiative in the United States will help to improve water quality, restore wildlife and support additional sustainability practices in agricultural production, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture […]

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Environmental sustainability of U.S. crops continues to improve

The sustainability of commodity crop production in the United States continues to demonstrate improved environmental outcomes in energy use efficiency, irrigation water use efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, land use efficiency, […]

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Riverhill Farms – USPOULTRY Family Farm Environmental Excellence Award Winner

Riverhill Farms is owned and operated by Glenn and Sheri Rodes, along with their parents, brothers and extended family. Their farm — a Family Farm Environmental Excellence Award Winner — has five turkey barns, and they raise 280,000 turkeys per flock for Cargill Turkey Production.

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A new EU approach to sustainable development

The European Commission is to take a new strategic approach to achieving sustainable development in Europe and around the world. Today, (November 22, 2016) it published its Communications on the […]

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Future Food Crop Yields Could Grow More with Genetic Breakthrough

The world’s staple food crops could see yields increase by 15 percent following breakthrough research in photosynthesis. The research, published in the journal Science, used genetic modification to increase the […]

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Technology, Sustainability and Food Security

by Dr. Jayson Lusk, Oklahoma State University In 1970, Jules Billard penned a feature article for National Geographic entitled “The Revolution in American Agriculture” with the subheading, “more food for our […]

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Environmental Impact of a Global Ban on GMOs

A global ban on genetically modified crops (GMOs) would raise food prices and have the environmental impact of adding the equivalent of nearly a billion tons of carbon dioxide to […]

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