University of Arkansas sustainability expert, Dr. Marty Matlock received the prestigious Borlaug CAST Communications Award at a ceremony on October 17 hosted by the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST). The award is given every year to a “scientist, engineer, technologist or other professional working in the agricultural, environmental, or food sectors” who demonstrates outstanding achievement “in the advancement of science in the public policy arena,” according to the CAST website. What makes the Communication Award unique from other research awards is that not only must the nominee demonstrate the relevant aptitude; they must also have a history of communicating their research and message through traditional and digital media means as well as public presentations and the like.
Dr. Matlock is the Executive Director of the University of Arkansas Resiliency Center and Professor of Ecological Engineering in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department.
For his acceptance speech, Dr. Matlock discussed the critical importance of having an economic system, ecosystem and social system that work in tandem to support the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals.