The U.S. continued to make progress in sustainable fisheries management in 2023. According to NOAA Fisheries’ annual Status of Stocks report to Congress, which assesses the 506 stocks and stock complexes it manages, the number of stocks on the overfishing list reached an all-time low. At the same time, the number of stocks on the overfished list also decreased. Approximately 94% of all stocks or stock complexes did not exceed their annual catch limits.
In addition, one stock, the Snohomish coho salmon, was rebuilt in 2023 using a combination of responsive fishery management and habitat restoration, bringing the total number of stocks rebuilt since 2000 to 50.
“By ending overfishing and rebuilding stocks, we are strengthening the value of U.S. fisheries to the economy, our communities, and marine ecosystems,” says NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad, Ph.D. “Sustainably managed fisheries are important to the nation’s economy and provide opportunities for commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishing while keeping a renewable supply of seafood for consumers.”
NOAA Fisheries attributes its success in sustainable fisheries management to “sound science, innovative management approaches, effective enforcement, and meaningful partnerships with robust public participation” with the U.S. Regional Fishery Management Councils, the Interstate Fisheries Commissions, and others.